S. J. Tucker Saturday at Untamed!

We are over the moon to announce S.J. Tucker will be joining us to share her amazing music on Saturday June 3rd!


On the Main Stage!

Without our songs and stories, we are nothing.” S. J. Tucker has been the glad captain of her own independent music career since 2004, when she left the workaday world behind to travel the continent, singing songs and changing lives.  

S. J. Tucker!

“The voice of lore at the campfire and the sharp laughter of modern myth”

Phil Putnam

Named a vanguard of the Mythpunk movement and even “the face of neo-tribal Paganism” by Witches & Pagans Magazine, Tucker is the voice of lore at the campfire and the sharp laughter of modern myth. With one hand anchored in her art and the other held out to you, she is songs and stories, community and wit.