Music on the main stage, workshops, drumming and more!
Gates Open
We begin welcoming all to the festival!
Cash tickets are available at the gate.
Untamed Fest
Neo-Pagan Highland Games
@ the Open Meadow
Hecklers and competitors alike are encouraged to join us for caber tossing, stone putting and hammer throwing! More info and theis year's prizes will be available at Cauldron.
Untamed Fest
Pennyroyal Sessions
In booths @ Pennyroyal Lane
Join our Vendors in their booths to learn about their skills, services and so much more. Each vendor will have a unique workshop to share with visitors to their booths.
Untamed Fest
Workshops at the Rose Ritual Space
@ the Rose Ritual Space
Untamed Fest
Celebrate YOU Parade
Begins @ the highland games
YOU are the main topic for this parade. In collaboration with HSC, we will be leading a Congo type of parade through the main Ritual area to celebrate every single one of us. You are encouraged to wear costumes, Ritual garb, face paint, bring flags, or any other accessories that help identify your true self.
ALL ARE WELCOME and encouraged to attend!
Untamed Fest
Main Ritual
@ the Hive
Today we mix together the many soils of the earth, from places afar like Ireland, Greece, South America, India, from across the United States as well as the sacred soils of our own backyards here in Colorado. We come together to honor the elemental powers, which together bring fertility and life to these soils. And we come together to renew our commitment to good stewardship and the tending of our Sacred Earth Mother.
Untamed Fest
Raffle Drawing
@ the Cauldron
Find out if you're the winner!
You do not have to be present to win. Come by anytime in the afternoon to see if your coveted item is going home with you!
Untamed Fest
Odin’s Other Eye
@ the Sunflower Stage
Odin’s Other Eye is an original rock band in Colorado – “classically modern rock for a new age.”
Pagans in Recovery Planned Fellowship
@ Pagans in Recovery Space
PIR is a fellowship of individuals who are seeking spiritual growth. Pagans who desire healthy relationships with things such as drugs, alcohol, food, people, money, or technology; the 6 most common ‘addictions’ for modern humans. Come join PIR to connect, share and heal.
Untamed Fest
Teen Circle (11-Up) ~ Teen Fire Pit
@ HSC (kids at Untamed)
The teens can gather around a fire pit to hang out with other teens. This area is intended to give teens a space and fire of their own. Smores will be provided! Please wear closed-toe shoes, sunscreen/bug spray and bring a water bottle. Join us at the Teen Fire Pit.
Untamed Fest
Late Night Drumming
@ the Hive
Drummers will be creating sacred space from after evening rituals until we are done. We invite all who are willing to share their musical
Untamed Fest
Gates Close
We close the gates for the night and we will return again the next day!
Untamed Fest