On the main stage
Join us for Live Music Saturday!
Listen ~ Connect ~ Dance ~ Enjoy!

Local artists sharing their amazing talents!

Odin’s Other Eye
Since 2007, Odin’s Other Eye has been playing Norse-themed original rock music across Colorado. In the past, Odin has played Beltania, the COS Witches’ Ball and Fairie Balls, Denver Pagan Pride, and hosted many signature events, such as Odin’s Winter Solstice, Ostara with Odin, Odin’s Summer Solstice, Odin’s All Hallow’s Eve, Odin’s Autumn Fest, and Yule with Odin. This is Odin’s Other Eye’s first performance at a Denver Witches’ Ball and they are looking forward to rocking your world!
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Heart Tribe Music
A Fort Collins, Colorado based indie folk collective with a passion for compassion, Heart Tribe is here to envelope the senses with powerful, dynamic lyrics that illustrate the value of human connection and healing. Originally formed in 2017, the group consists of Stephanie Heart Powers on guitar and vocals, Simon Cabrera on percussion, Jester Goldman on lead guitar, Destin Muller on bass guitar, and newest addition Sarah Melby, a founding member back in 2017, is back on flute. They hope to spread the message of love and acceptance beyond our differences through the influence of their sounds.
Listen Now

Alane Brown
Alane Brown is a singer-songwriter from Durango, Colorado. Like her award-winning short stories, her songs are often about the characters that come alive in her imagination. Her work ranges from the personal to the mystical to the just plain fun. Come along on a journey of song that will be sure to make you smile. Alane will perform as a solo artist at Untamed. She’s also been a songwriter and singer in the Crow Women pagan choir and a chant workshop teacher for 25 years. Alane is a blogger and the Editor in Chief of the Pagan Song website
“My music is inspired by the magic of the Goddess”

If you are or know a musician in the greater Colorado Pagan community and would like to speak with us about performing at next year’s event, please email Jordan Beard: jjbeard926@yahoo.com.