In keeping with the vision of Untamed, we wanted to create a centralized safe space where all are welcome. We have decided to call this space Kaleidoscope! Living in such a diverse community, we want to encourage all aspects of your true self to attend Untamed. Including but not limited to LGBTQ+, religion, size, ability and race.
Stop by to say Hi!, check out the schedule of events we will be sponsoring/offering during the festival and chat with other folks who need/want/support a safe space for all. Kaleidoscope will be clearly marked on your festival map and will have highly visible rainbow arches.
Kaleidoscope 2024 Events

Diversity and Inclusion Talk in Conjunction with HSC:
Sharing Similarities and Celebrating Differences. We will gather around the fire to discuss diversity and how we can be more inclusive in our worlds. Youth event, families welcome to join. Please wear closed-toe shoes, sunscreen/bug spray and bring a water bottle. Clothing required for this event.
When: Thursday at 7:00 pm see schedule for location

World Groove Class with Goddess Lydia:
Groove has been described as the most creative dance class in the world. No matter your ability or size you can Groove! Please join us for a class as we celebrate the art of dance and movement, no previous experience required and no judgment. Lydia has students who dance in a chair, and folks at all levels of abilities.
YOU CAN’T GET IT WRONG! Just come and have fun.
When: Friday, check schedule for time and location

Beyond Birds and Bees:
Would you like to know what Biology says about sex and gender? Here’s a hint: in life sciences, there are NO hard lines! For any age, come talk about how nature designed us all on a spectrum, and how that impacts our ideas of inclusivity and identity. Learn some great comebacks when you hear the dreaded “It’s basic biology!” There is a place for all of us on Earth, and it’s never just one box!
When: Friday at Kaleidoscope Canopy, check schedule for time

Mead and Meet (21 and over):
A chance to meet your fellow festival goers in a meet and greet atmosphere. Mead will be provided. A fun relaxing atmosphere where the point is to meet someone you don’t know. Often asked to introduce yourself to at least 3-5 people you have never met. NO GLASS, please.
When: Friday at the Kaleidoscope Canopy, check schedule for time

Celebrate YOU Parade:
YOU are the main topic for this parade. In collaboration with HSC, we will be leading a Congo type of parade through the main Ritual area to celebrate every single one of us. You are encouraged to wear costumes, Ritual garb, face paint, bring flags, or any other accessories that help identify your true self.
ALL ARE WELCOME and encouraged to attend!
When: Saturday, check schedule for location and time

LGBTQIA+ Soup Social:
No matter where you land in the acronym, come share lunch and a conversation with your fellow LGBTQIA+ community. Please feel free to bring your lunch, a chair, and a listening ear, as we share our stories and lives over the lunch hour. Commemorative gifts will be handed out while supplies last.
When: Kaleidoscope Canopy, check schedule for time
Our amazing staff and their families are made up of female, male, trans and non-binary individuals. As you encounter these individuals, you may notice that they may be wearing a pronoun button. We recognize that this might be new to some of our guests and want to take the opportunity to highlight some concepts around pronouns and gender expansiveness.
There are an infinite number of ways that people experience gender. Here is a glossary of some terms that you may hear when discussing gender:
- Gender Identity: A person’s internal sense of their self and their gender.
- Non-binary: An umbrella gender identity that does not conform to the false idea that there are only two genders, male and female. Some other terms that fall under the non-binary umbrella are agender, genderqueer, gender-fluid, pangender, or gender non-conforming.
- Trans or Transgender: A person whose gender identity differs with their gender assigned at birth. Some people who identify as non-binary may also identify as trans.
- Cis or Cisgender: A person whose gender identity aligns with their gender assigned at birth.
- Pronouns: Pronouns are the words we use to talk about people aside from using their names (ex: she/her, he/him, they/them, and many more.) Sometimes pronouns correlate with someone’s gender identity, and sometimes they don’t.
A look into the past
Kaleidoscope 2023 Events
Diversity and Inclusion Talk in Conjunction with HSC:
Sharing Similarities and Celebrating Differences. We will gather around the fire to discuss diversity and how we can be more inclusive in our worlds. Youth event, families welcome to join.
Please wear closed-toe shoes, sunscreen/bug spray and bring a water bottle.
Clothing required for this event.
When: Thursday at 7:00 pm at the Snapdragon fire pit
World Groove Class with Goddess Lydia:
Groove has been described as the most creative dance class in the world. No matter your ability or size you can Groove! Please join us for a class as we celebrate the art of dance and movement, no previous experience required and no judgment. Lydia has students who dance in a chair, and folks at all levels of abilities. YOU CAN’T GET IT WRONG! Just come and have fun.
When: Friday at 10:00 am check program for location
Teen Talk (LGBTQIA+):
Join us and listen to a few of our community youth share their perspective and understanding around pronoun use and gender fluidity currently being used today. Language is constantly evolving, as is or understanding of it, and that’s especially true with our youth. Get a glimpse into a of few of the popular acronyms being used today, (LGBTQIA+, AFAB, AMAB, etc.) Pick up a pronoun button and peruse Kaleidoscope’s resource table. All ages welcome and families encouraged to attend together.
Clothing required for this event.
When: Friday at 11:30 at the Kaleidoscope Canopy
Mead and Meet (21 and over):
A chance to meet your fellow festival goers in a meet and greet atmosphere. Mead will be provided. A fun relaxing atmosphere where the point is to meet someone you don’t know. Often asked to introduce yourself to at least 3-5 people you have never met. NO GLASS, please.
When: Friday at 4:00 pm at the Kaleidoscope Canopy
Celebrate YOU Parade:
YOU are the main topic for this parade. In collaboration with HSC, we will be leading a Congo type of parade through the main Ritual area to celebrate every single one of us. You are encouraged to wear costumes, Ritual garb, face paint, bring flags, or any other accessories that help identify your true self. ALL ARE WELCOME and encouraged to attend!
When: Saturday at 11 am at the Hive Main Ritual Space
LGBTQIA+ Soup Social:
No matter where you land in the acronym, come share lunch and a conversation with your fellow LGBTQIA+ community. Please feel free to bring your lunch, a chair and a listening ear, as we share our stories and lives over the lunch hour. Commemorative gifts will be handed out while supplies last.
When: Saturday at 12:30 pm at the Kaleidoscope Canopy